Interviews & Articles

myKOREA with DIAZABLE APPAREL's Matthew Gamble
As part of our myKOREA series, we’ll be asking someone on the local scene to share their journey through Korean culture by naming their favourite musicians, movies, and artists. We’ll also be asking them to tell us about one more thing of their choosing.
Top bloke Matthew Gamble, aka DIAZABLE APPAREL, is an alternative clothes designer living in Seoul.
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Do you like metal? Please introduce yourself

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Korea-US streetwear brand brings together all that's black, metal, and cute 
Matthew Gamble sells Diazable apparel at a table set up outside Phillies in central Seoul's Haebangchon neighborhood, April 15. Korea Times photo by Jon Dunbar
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BROKE in Korea Interview 
After seeing Matthew selling Diazable merch at Oily Rag's first show, my attention was piqued. He didn't disappear quietly after that, so I decided to interview him so I could see what he's about, and whether he's running a sweatshop. Tl;dr he's not.
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