Sightseeing Crew - Let The Deadstock Breathe Review

Sightseeing Crew - Let The Deadstock Breathe Review

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Sightseeing Crew is a one-man post-Rick Avangarde music project that is living up to being some new age music for sure, but I don't think it will be well received by the masses. The project does a good job of breaking out from conventional song structures and ideas, for sure. Songs like "tape" and “licks” have no real traditional flow or structure to them. I can respect the new approach to making music; however, with the lack of structure, you get some messy songs that feel like multiple songs layered on top of one another. The jumps in volume really make it hard to find a groove and flow, and the use of highly distorted instruments makes it hard to understand what is being made here. He has some ambitious ideas when playing some of the instruments, ranging from disjointed and high-pitched guitars to deep and funky bass and erratic symphonic key playing. Now the lack of normal song structure is one thing, but another big issue with these songs are the lengths. The songs that go up to 6-8 minutes really drag and can make listening to the unorthodox playing hard to get through. With all the weird time signatures and changes in volume, it can get quite exhausting. Now when it's a shorter song like “Daybreak” or “Real (Quick Fire) Journal," the shortness of the songs combined with the avant-garde style of playing actually don’t sound half bad. Oddly enough, those shorter songs have more structure to them because the drum playing here is more structured and traditional, so the songs that sound the best have a traditional song structure to them. The shorter run times help his songs feel more fleshed out and have a greater feeling of urgency. You can feel and connect with the instruments even more on these tracks. He is doing a lot on here to try and break the norm of music and can play some decent pianos, some groovy bass, and smooth drums. Like on “Neutral Works," you get some soothing slow drums and whale-like sounds. Gives the song a nice resting feeling. It just gets bored under high-pitched noises and erratic, odd-timed sounds. Like on “Your Cue," there's something good here, but it gets bogged down by ambitious and wild musical choices. The second half of this song is not bad, and I think he accomplished more of his avant-garde style. Sightseeing Crew is here to break the social norms of music; unfortunately, it does that but not in a great way. Lots of experimental ideas that were just not executed well. 

RATING: 5.5/10


Neutral Works


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