Japanese punk band Shadows is clearly exploring new territory with their latest album, delving deeper into their sound. Whether or not they've struck gold is subjective, but there's no doubt that their evolution brings mixed reactions. Known for their fast, tight, and ripping riffs, Shadows has traditionally blended high-pitched clean vocals with low, unclean screams, accompanied by distorted bass lines and punchy drums. However, on this new release, they’ve made a noticeable shift by swapping their signature light, upbeat riffs for much darker, downtuned tones. This change seems to be in pursuit of a heavier sound, reminiscent of bands like Comeback Kid but with guitars that carry a grungier, more destructive edge, as heard on tracks like "Climb" and "Waste No Reason."
The tonal shift is challenging to digest, especially for long-time fans, as the band is usually known for its simple, high-energy punk style without much heavy aggression. The heavier riffs may initially feel out of place given their previous sound, but as the album progresses, there are moments where the band reins in the intensity, allowing their earlier, lighter style to re-emerge. Tracks like "Supercar" and "Timelines" offer a more familiar, upbeat vibe that evokes their punk roots and provides a sense of return to form.
The drums on this album stand out, especially when they lean into the band’s punk influences. The deep, resonating sound of the drums is especially effective on tracks like "Timelines," where there's a noticeable Sum 41 influence. This style, paired with the dynamic drumwork, captures the energy of their earlier sound while maintaining an edge. As the second half of the album unfolds, the band seems to circle back to their original style, like on "A Ghost of Walls," where the vocals are big and full, offering a nostalgic nod to their punk roots. The track "My Everything" also brings back the classic sound, with tuned-up riffs that recall their earlier, more melodic punk influences.
The bass throughout the album is a consistent highlight, with a deep, buzzing quality on tracks like "Climb" and a more subtle yet equally impactful presence on "Drifting." The bass remains steady, helping anchor the overall sound while adding density to the mix. Its ability to remain solid throughout the album gives a sense of cohesion, even as the band experiments with different sonic textures.
Vocally, Shadows continues to shine with their high-energy, soaring choruses. Songs like "Resist" demonstrate their ability to craft catchy, sing-along parts, with great harmony between the clean vocals and backing screams. The unclean vocals are particularly striking, as they offer an aggressive but not overly low-register growl. The band still manages to capture that raw, intense energy that fans have come to love, though the evolution towards heavier riffs and a grunge-influenced sound could feel like a misstep for some. The balance between the old and new styles is an interesting experiment, but it doesn’t always fully succeed in capturing the essence of what made the band so appealing in the first place.
In the end, the shift towards heavier, more hardcore riffs and songs might feel out of place for some fans. Shadows excels when they stick to their lighter, faster punk sound, and though the album shows their desire to evolve and experiment, the heavier moments don’t always hit as effectively as their more familiar, energetic punk roots. Still, there are enough moments of brilliance—like the soaring vocals, catchy hooks, and deep basslines—that suggest this album might be a stepping stone to an even more refined sound in the future. Shadows has shown they can evolve, but the heavier direction might not be the perfect fit for them just yet.
日本のパンクバンドShadowsは、最新アルバムで新たな領域を探求しており、サウンドを深く掘り下げています。彼らが「金鉱」を掘り当てたかどうかは主観的な問題ですが、その進化がさまざまな反応を引き起こしていることは間違いありません。Shadowsは、速くタイトで切れ味鋭いリフ、高音のクリーンボーカルと低音のクリーンスクリーム、歪んだベースライン、パンチの効いたドラムで知られています。しかし、この新しいリリースでは、特徴的な軽快でアップビートなリフを、より暗くダウンチューンされたトーンに切り替えるという顕著な変化を遂げました。この変化は、Comeback Kidのようなバンドを彷彿とさせるヘヴィなサウンドを追い求めているようですが、「Climb」や「Waste No Reason」のようなトラックでは、グランジや破壊的な要素を持ったギターが特徴的です。
このアルバムのドラムは特に目立っています。バンドのパンク的影響を反映させた深く響くドラムサウンドは、「Timelines」などのトラックで特に効果的です。ここでは、Sum 41の影響が感じられます。このスタイルとダイナミックなドラムプレイは、以前のサウンドのエネルギーを保ちながら、エッジの効いたサウンドを実現しています。アルバムの後半では、バンドはオリジナルのスタイルに戻っていくようで、「A Ghost of Walls」では、大きく豊かなボーカルがパンクのルーツへのノスタルジーを表現しています。「My Everything」もまた、以前のメロディックなパンクの影響を感じさせるチューンアップされたリフで、クラシックなサウンドを呼び起こしています。
RATING: 7.5/10