Numb - City Of Dreams Review

Numb - City Of Dreams Review

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Numb is the last thing you'll feel while listening to City of Dreams, the electrifying new album from Japanese hardcore legends Numb. This is a relentless, heavy-hitting record that’s guaranteed to get anyone in the mood to mosh. From start to finish, the album radiates intensity, with its dynamic mix of hardcore and punk influences, delivered with precision and raw energy.

Vocalist Senta is a force to be reckoned with throughout the album. His performance is scorching, bringing an unyielding energy to every track, never once dialing it back. His guttural screams and impassioned delivery ensure that the emotional weight of the music is felt in full force. It's clear that Senta puts everything into his performance, and it’s one of the standout elements of City of Dreams.

The guitar work is another highlight, crisp and sharp with razor-edged riffs that cut through the mix. Every chord progression and breakdown hits its mark, contributing to the album’s clean yet aggressive sound. The guitars are tight and always on point, offering both speed and precision without ever losing their heaviness.

The bass, while present, is tuned low, giving it a subtle, rumbling undertone that adds depth to the mix. It’s a shame it isn’t more prominent, as the low-end could have added even more weight to the tracks. Still, it’s clear that the bass serves its purpose within the overall soundscape, providing a solid backbone to the frenetic energy of the guitars and drums.

Speaking of the drums, the percussion is a perfect fit for this kind of hardcore record. The beats are straightforward but punchy, always driving the songs forward without ever overshadowing the other elements. There’s a simplicity in the drumming, but it’s a simplicity that works in service of the music—each hit lands with impact, and that’s what counts.

In terms of production and mixing, City of Dreams is tight and polished. The sound is crisp and well-balanced, allowing each instrument to shine through while maintaining the rawness that hardcore fans crave. The mix gives every component enough space to breathe without sacrificing the album’s aggressive energy. And for a record that’s not short by any means, City of Dreams manages to avoid the dreaded album fatigue. Each song feels fresh and distinct, with enough variety in tempo, structure, and tone to keep listeners engaged throughout.

Overall, Numb has delivered a hardcore album that hits hard from beginning to end. With a powerful vocal performance, razor-sharp guitar work, and solid rhythm section, City of Dreams is a formidable addition to the band’s legacy and a must-listen for fans of the genre. Whether you’re in the pit or just cranking up the volume, this album will leave you anything but numb.

Numbは、日本のハードコア伝説バンドNumbによる最新アルバムCity of Dreamsを聴いている間、あなたが感じる最後のことになるだろう。これは容赦なく、激しく、そしてモッシュを誘う力強いレコードだ。アルバム全体がハードコアとパンクの影響を受けており、精緻で荒々しいエネルギーで届けられる。





プロダクションとミキシングに関しては、City of Dreamsは非常にタイトで洗練されている。サウンドはクリアでバランスが取れており、各楽器がしっかりと存在感を放ちながら、ハードコアの持つ荒々しさは保たれている。ミックスは各要素に十分なスペースを与えながらも、アルバムの攻撃的なエネルギーを犠牲にしない。長さに関しては、驚くべきことに、アルバム全体において疲れを感じることはない。それぞれの曲は新鮮で異なるスタイルを持ち、テンポや構成、トーンにバリエーションがあるため、聴き手を飽きさせることなく最後まで楽しませてくれる。

総じて、Numbは始まりから終わりまで激しく攻めるハードコアアルバムを届けた。強力なボーカルパフォーマンス、鋭いギターの演奏、堅実なリズムセクションが一体となり、City of Dreamsはバンドのレガシーに加わる強力な作品であり、このジャンルのファンにとって必聴のアルバムとなっている。ライブで体を揺らしながら聴いても、ただ音量を上げて聴いても、このアルバムはあなたを決して「無感覚」にはさせないだろう。

RATING: 8.5/10


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