Indication - Ataraxia of the Phoenix Review

Indication - Ataraxia of the Phoenix Review

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The Phoenix is rising with the debut of this new metalcore band hailing from Japan, and they are here to make a statement. Indication, composed of some of the most prominent figures from the Japanese hardcore scene, has come together to deliver a metalcore album that expertly captures the essence of early 2000s melodic hardcore. This release is a refreshing journey through the signature elements of the genre, from shreddy, intricate riffs to emotionally charged vocals, offering a nostalgic trip for fans of the style.

The guitars are undoubtedly the standout feature of this album. From groovy, bouncing riffs to technically precise solos, they carry the sound of the album and really shine throughout. The energy and craftsmanship of the guitar work are especially apparent on the closing track, “Dusk Falling,” where the riffs create an emotional atmosphere that brings the album to a powerful conclusion. That being said, there are moments when the guitar work can become a bit repetitive, which at times causes the sound to lose its edge and feel somewhat bland. While the playing is technically proficient, there’s a sense of familiarity that doesn’t always bring fresh energy to the table.

The drums, unfortunately, don’t do much to stand out on this record. While they are solid and locked in with the timing, they fail to make a real impact, lacking any memorable fills or powerful moments. They certainly don’t detract from the overall sound, but they don’t elevate the album either. At times, the drums feel somewhat drowned out by the heavier instrumentation, leaving them feeling a bit underwhelming in the mix.

The bass, on the other hand, is consistently solid, adding a thick, resonant layer to the overall sound. However, like the drums, there are moments when the bass becomes lost in the shuffle of the other instruments, not always being given the space to shine. It’s there and it contributes to the heaviness of the album, but it could have been a bit more prominent in certain sections to help create more depth.

The vocals certainly carry weight and emotional intensity, which is essential for a metalcore album of this nature. However, there are times when the main vocalist’s screaming technique seems off. Certain moments feel a bit harsh or unrefined, which can detract from the overall impact of the performance. That said, the guest vocals on tracks like “Renaissance” do a fantastic job of adding variety to the sound. Jay’s guest feature is a highlight, offering a much-needed contrast and helping to save the track from the shortcomings of the main vocals. The diversity in vocal performances definitely adds a layer of richness to the album, giving it more variety and a sense of dynamism.

There aren’t any major flaws that completely ruin the album, but there are a number of smaller issues that add up. Some of the vocal performances feel lacking, the mixing and layering could have been more polished in spots, and there are moments of bland playing that detract from the otherwise engaging nature of the album. These minor missteps are noticeable, but they don’t overshadow the album’s overall impact.

In conclusion, this is still a solid album and well worth checking out, especially if you’re a fan of the bands involved and enjoy the early 2000s metalcore sound. While there are moments where the album falls short, it’s clear that Indication has crafted something with heart, and with the combined talents of its members, there is potential for even greater things to come. If you’re looking for a trip down memory lane or just love the core elements of metalcore, this album definitely deserves a listen.


ギターは間違いなくこのアルバムのハイライトです。グルーヴィーで弾むリフから技術的に精緻なソロまで、ギターはこのアルバムのサウンドを牽引し、全体的に素晴らしいパフォーマンスを披露しています。特にアルバムのラストトラック「Dusk Falling」では、ギターのリフが感情的な雰囲気を作り上げ、アルバムを力強い結末に導きます。ただし、時々ギターのプレイが少し繰り返しすぎて、エッジが失われ、少々退屈に感じる瞬間もあります。演奏は技術的に優れていますが、常に新鮮なエネルギーを感じるわけではなく、どこか既視感を与えてしまう部分もあります。






RATING: 8/10


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Dusk Falling

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