Fleshwater - We're Not Here To Be Loved Review

Fleshwater - We're Not Here To Be Loved Review

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We are not here to be loved, but damn, you can’t help but fall in love with fleshwaters unique heavy interpretation of 90s alt rock and dreamy like shoegaze music here. You get a real sense of the band as individuals and what the band's vision is like with how refreshing their sound is and how clean the production is. The heavyness they add to their songs is not just sonically heavy; they feel emotionally heavy, and I think that's where their secret power comes from. It feels like they are channeling pure sadness, pain, regrets, or uncertainty in their lyrics and the sound of their music. The guitars feel like they carry a lot of emotional weight and trauma as they bring down some heavy riffs. The drums keep things going smoothly, but add in some nice flair here and there to spice up the songs with some nice drum fills and great work of the cymbals. There was only one real time the drums felt a bit buried in the mix; however, the rest of the time it was good. The bass has a nice sound to it and adds a lot of gritty textures to the songs. Also, the songs are really catchy as well. Every song has a unique sound and distinguished feel to it, so this album is so fun to listen to.

RATING: 8.5/10


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