Explore our review of Fathers Gun, a young hardcore band hailing from Louisville, Kentucky. Discover their powerful sound and energetic vibe!

Fathers Gun - Fathers Gun Ep Review

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The young rockers in Father's Gun had me really excited at the start of this episode with the eerie and anxiety-filled atmosphere they created with their intro song. Once the episode kicked in, I was greeted with a mix of weird production and odd genre choices. The production quality of this EP is quite harsh, characterized by excessively high vocals, buried vocals, excessively high bass, and songs in which I can't discern any sound at all. The mixing and mastering are a roller coaster of highs and lows in terms of volume. I might have been able to get a better sense of their genre and play style, but a good chunk of the episode is kind of unlistenable. When I could listen to it, I couldn't get a sense of what genre I was listening to. Was it metal? Was it grindcore? Was it hard-core? I could never really pinpoint what they were trying to deliver here. There seemed to be a lack of rhythm and groove for most songs, but on some songs like Concrete" and "Ribs," the band had some groove to them with the drums and guitar riffs. I feel like they are still trying to figure out their sound and style, and so we got this mixed bag of songs. I still think they can come up with something better because that opening intro really set the bar for creating a good atmosphere. If they can tap into that and fine-tune their sound, they could be a band that people will notice more. 

RATING: 6/10





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