Esculea Grind - ddeeaatthh mmeettaall  Review

Esculea Grind - ddeeaatthh mmeettaall Review

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Death fuckin metal to the max with this new esculea grind EP. This new death metal band from America has been making noise and ripping through shows for a few years now, and it really makes sense after listening to this episode. They are bringing some really grimey riffs, destructive drumming, and disgustingly impressive vocals. The riffing on this episode is impressive with how it can go from simple, low-tuned chugs to super technical riffing. The guitar player is just ripping through these songs, making everything sound super tight and insane. The drumming is really hollow sounding and kind of weirdly muffled; however, they work with the style of death metal. It makes the drums feel really huge and large with this type of production, especially on the blast beats. It really helps make things sound intense as fuck. Then we got the freaking megastar of the show, and thats the vocals. I think if I never saw pictures of this band, I would have never guessed the vocals were from a little gal. She can easily go toe to toe with any death metal vocalist and easily blow them out the water. She's got some range in terms of her death growls and unclean vocals. Another thing that stood out to me is how when she did random 'blegh's in the songs, they fit so well. It made me think that she has great timing and has great control of her vocals, something I think death metal vocalists don’t focus on sometimes. The production on here is clean but rough at the time. It’s got that perfect death metal atmosphere to it. The only thing I could say was a bad thing was I couldn't really feel or hear the bass. It didn't seem mixed in well. Also, most of the songs felt pretty creative for the most part, except for one song that felt a bit like typical death metal. However, this is still one ripper of a release.

RATING: 8/10



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