Crossfaith - Ark Review

Crossfaith - Ark Review

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The latest album from Crossfaith sets sail with a tidal wave of larger-than-life sounds, signaling a bold departure from the ordinary. This electronic metalcore band doesn’t hold back, delivering their signature fusion of heavy metal and electrifying electronica with an intensity that leaves an impression. The songs are expansive, packed with energy, and pulse with a vibrant, larger-than-life presence. Whether it’s the scorching riffs or the pounding drums, the music constantly keeps you on edge. Tracks like “Zero,” “Headshot!,” and “God Speed” showcase their mastery of synth-driven beats that overwhelm you with their size and power, creating an epic atmosphere that defines the album. These tracks maintain Crossfaith's classic style—heavy on synths—but they expand on it, infusing the music with an even grander, more expansive feel.

One noticeable aspect of the band’s evolution is their refined sound. The riffs, once chaotic and aggressive, now feel meticulously crafted, tuned to perfection with a heavier, more robust tone. There’s an unmistakable influence of bands like Slipknot in their ability to channel aggressive, nu-metal-inspired sounds, especially evident on tracks like “My Own Salvation.” Meanwhile, “Warriors” taps into a more rock-oriented vibe akin to Linkin Park. As the album progresses through its first half, the riffs continue to escalate, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the genre, with each breakdown getting bigger and bolder than the last. Crossfaith really seems to challenge themselves in the riff department, constantly raising the stakes.

However, towards the end of the album, there is a noticeable shift. The intensity of the riffs seems to subside, and by the closing tracks, they feel a bit subdued and less impactful than earlier on. This gradual decline in riff energy, though not a complete failure, does alter the dynamic and leaves the latter part of the album feeling a bit underwhelming.

The drums, on the other hand, are a standout feature. With their powerful, animalistic, and even tribal quality, they punch through the mix in tracks like “Zero” and “DV;MM¥ SY5T3M…,” providing an aggressive force that enhances the overall sound. On the latter track, the drumming takes on a death metal influence, delivering blast beats and rapid fills that push the heaviness to new extremes. Overall, the drumming on this album is tight and solid, particularly on “God Speed,” though there are moments where the drummer’s enthusiasm results in a slightly sloppy performance, adding a bit of unpredictability to the mix.

The bass, while not always at the forefront, contributes to the overall power of the album, especially through the electrifying basslines that emerge from the guitar work. Tracks like “My Own Salvation” offer moments of groovy, thick bass that add a dynamic edge to the sound, showing off the band's ability to craft grooves that are both heavy and infectious.

Vocally, Crossfaith’s frontman has grown and evolved considerably since the band’s early days. His delivery is both powerful and versatile—on tracks like “Zero” and “Headshot!,” he taps into a raw, guttural aggression, while on songs like “Afterglow” and “Night Waves,” he takes a more subdued, melodic approach that contrasts nicely with the heavier moments. This versatility in vocals adds variety and texture to the album, keeping things fresh. The guest vocals also provide a welcome change of pace, whether it’s rap-rock verses or a different style of screams, each guest contribution complements the band's sound seamlessly.

However, one of the album's biggest missteps is its pacing and sequencing, particularly in the final three tracks. The last section of the album throws off the flow, as two softer tracks are placed back-to-back. While these songs might have worked better if split between the A and B sides of the album, their consecutive placement results in a noticeable lull in energy. This causes the album to lose some of its momentum, culminating in a somewhat underwhelming closer, “Canopus.” Despite having a solid chorus, the overall feel of the song doesn’t quite match the intensity of the tracks that came before it, and it ends the album on a somewhat anticlimactic note.

On a final note, the production on this album is impeccable. It’s clear that the band has invested in high-quality production to ensure their ambitious sound is executed to its fullest potential. Without such strong production, these songs might not hit as hard, and much of the album’s grandeur might have been lost. Crossfaith continues to evolve and refine their sound, growing into a formidable force in the electronic metalcore scene, and it’s clear that they’re not slowing down anytime soon. Their ability to adapt and innovate shows that their best work may still be ahead of them.

Crossfaithの最新アルバムは、壮大なサウンドの波と共に登場し、普通とは一線を画しています。このエレクトロニック・メタルコアバンドは決して手を抜かず、ヘヴィメタルとエレクトロニカを融合させた独自のスタイルを力強く披露しています。曲は広がりを持ち、エネルギーに満ちており、その規模感に圧倒されるような印象を与えます。ギターリフやドラムが力強く響き渡る一方で、シンセビートが巨大な音で心を奪います。『Zero』『Headshot!』『God Speed』といったトラックは、そのシンセサウンドが圧倒的で、アルバム全体における壮大な雰囲気を作り上げています。これらの曲は、Crossfaithの定番であるシンセの多用を維持しつつも、さらに大きなスケールで音楽を展開しています。

バンドの音楽的進化も明らかです。リフは以前の混沌とした攻撃的なものから洗練され、重厚で強烈なトーンに変化しています。『My Own Salvation』のような曲では、Slipknotなどのニューメタルスタイルが色濃く反映されており、また『Warriors』ではLinkin Parkのようなロック的な要素も感じさせます。アルバムの前半では、リフが次々と進化し、どんどん大胆に、そして壮大になっていきます。クロスフェイスはリフの面で自らに挑戦し続け、各曲のブレイクダウンが前作を超えるような大きさと力強さを持っています。


一方で、ドラムはこのアルバムの目立った特徴です。『Zero』や『DV;MM¥ SY5T3M…』のような曲では、力強く、野生的で部族的なリズムが打ち鳴らされ、アルバム全体に迫力を与えています。後者の曲では、デスメタル風のブラストビートや速い演奏が加わり、重さが一層強調されます。全体的にドラムはタイトであり、『God Speed』では特に安定感が際立っていますが、時折ドラムの演奏が興奮しすぎて少し雑になり、予測できない要素が加わることもあります。

ベースはしばしばギターからのエレクトリックな音に埋もれがちですが、『My Own Salvation』のようなトラックでは、厚みのあるグルーヴィーなベースラインが際立っており、バンドの音にダイナミクスを与えています。ベースが上手くプレイされている瞬間がしっかりと感じられます。

ヴォーカルもバンドの初期と比べて格段に洗練されており、進化が見て取れます。『Zero』や『Headshot!』のようなトラックでは、力強くグチャグチャした表現を見せる一方で、『Afterglow』や『Night Waves』では、柔らかなアプローチを取り入れており、その対照的なヴォーカルスタイルがアルバムにバリエーションを加えています。ゲストヴォーカルも良いアクセントを加えており、ラップロック的なヴォーカルや異なるスタイルのスクリームが、全体のサウンドにうまく溶け込んでいます。



RATING: 8/10




My Own Salvation

DV;MM¥ SY5T3M...

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