ACXDC - G.O.A.T.   Review

ACXDC - G.O.A.T. Review

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Naming your album Goat is one hell of a bold move, but I have to give it to the band ACXDC because they didn't fuck around in this album and dropped one Goat album for sure! This powerviolet band from LA has so much groove and style that it should be studied. How can a band be so intense and jarring but sound so smooth? They make everything from blast beats, vocal fries, and ripping riffs sound so easy and good. I think the biggest thing that helps all those elements sound gaoted in the production. This is some clean and crisp punk music, and it's a delight to listen to. Also, all 17 tracks have a distinctive and unique feel to them and have a great pace. The songs are no more than a minute long, but they have so many great ideas and play styles thrown in it, which helps keep you on the edge of your seat. The whole time I was listening to this album, I had a constant stank face and was thinking, “Good lord, how can they make these dope ass songs so consistently?!?” Definitely one of the goat albums of the year and of the powerviolence genre.

RATING: 10/10


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