Within The Ruins - Phenomena II Review

Within The Ruins - Phenomena II Review

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When Within the Ruins released Phenomena over 10 years ago, I saw them as just another band in a sea of death metal acts trying to find their footing. Fast forward to the release of Phenomena II, and it's clear they've come a long way. This sequel marks a significant turning point for the band, as they've proven themselves as a force in the metal world, with a sound that is undeniably their own. The evolution is palpable — from their bold, crushing vocals, tight drumming, and heavy bass to the star of the show, their incredibly technical and intricate guitar riffs. These guys have truly paid their dues and worked tirelessly to carve out a distinct and memorable style in the genre.

The band's most notable strength is undoubtedly their guitar work. The highly technical riffing is both their signature and their defining characteristic. From intense strumming to detailed guitar scales, you’ll instantly recognize their style, and that’s part of what makes them stand out. But, as with any heavy reliance on a particular element, it can become both a blessing and a curse.

While the technicality of the guitars makes the band unique and sets them apart from their peers, it can, at times, feel a bit overwhelming. The songs, long and intricate, sometimes feel like they’re pushing the boundaries of what’s necessary, leaving you with moments of guitar overload. The intensity can start to blur, and you’re left craving a more simplified riff or a break from the complexity. When the band does introduce some simpler, groovier riffs, it offers a welcome relief from the technical barrage, allowing the listener to take a breath before diving back into the more detailed sections. It’s a double-edged sword: without these complex riffs, the band wouldn’t have their distinctive identity, but at the same time, they risk losing some listeners in the process.

The drumming on Phenomena II is one of the standout features of the album. It’s punchy, energetic, and adds that extra bit of power to each track. The way the drummer interacts with the cymbals, particularly during the more explosive sections, is a treat. The cymbals add an additional layer of texture and dynamism, enriching the overall sound. It's the little details like this that help to elevate the band’s performances beyond just technicality.

The bass playing also deserves a mention. It’s not just filling out the bottom end; it’s adding to the heaviness of the album. Tracks like “Death Mask” and “Enigma II” highlight the bass's ability to cut through the mix and add a deeper, richer sound to the arrangements. The bass gives the songs their weight, making the more melodic sections feel grounded and powerful.

When it comes to vocals, Phenomena II does not disappoint. The harsh vocals are intense and menacing, with an abrasive quality that adds aggression and depth to the music. The vocalist does a great job of delivering those gritty, guttural screams that are synonymous with death metal, and they fit perfectly with the band’s heavy and complex instrumentation.

However, I do have one major disappointment with this album: the absence of clean vocals. On their previous albums, the band introduced some clean vocal sections that added a refreshing contrast to the otherwise aggressive sound. These moments of melodic, clean singing provided a dynamic balance, offering a breath of fresh air amid the chaos. Unfortunately, there are no such moments on Phenomena II, and I think it’s a missed opportunity to add an extra layer of contrast and melody to the album. While the harsh vocals are solid, the absence of this variety makes the album feel somewhat monotone at times.

The production on Phenomena II is stellar. The band’s signature guitar riffs and pounding rhythms are captured beautifully, with every instrument clearly defined in the mix. The layering is well done, and nothing feels buried or lost in the chaos. It’s a well-balanced, polished sound that allows each element to shine, from the technical guitar work to the powerful drumming and gritty vocals.

Since this album is a sequel to Phenomena, the band wasn’t necessarily aiming to be ultra-innovative. Instead, they set out to recapture the sound and energy that made the original so engaging, and they’ve succeeded in doing that. While there are a few areas where the album could have pushed the envelope a bit more, it’s clear that they’ve stuck to what works for them, and as a result, Phenomena II is an enjoyable, powerful follow-up that will resonate with fans of the band and metal fans in general.

Phenomena II is a testament to the band’s growth and perseverance. The intricate guitar work, energetic drumming, and powerful vocals are what make this album a standout, even if the heavy reliance on technicality can sometimes be overwhelming. While the lack of clean vocals is a downside, the album still succeeds in maintaining a tight, focused sound that showcases the band’s evolution. Within the Ruins has certainly solidified their place as one of the more interesting and well-established acts in the metal scene, and with Phenomena II, they’ve proved they’re more than just another death metal band — they’re here to stay.

RATING: 8/10


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