Unholy11 - Demo 2021 Review

Unholy11 - Demo 2021 Review

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Unholy11 live up to their name in full force with a demo that delivers a hellish, brutal sound, embracing everything that’s dark and heavy. From the super low-tuned guitars to the crushingly heavy bass, slow and menacing drumming, and guttural, hellish vocals, this demo is a full-on sonic assault. Every element is slow, weighty, and pummeling, creating an atmosphere that’s thick with dread and intensity. Despite the demo’s brevity, the band successfully establishes a menacing, ominous vibe that’s unmistakable.

Both tracks on the demo share that dark, brooding atmosphere, but there’s a distinct difference in the energy between them. The first track is the standout, using its bleak elements effectively while also incorporating some dynamic playing that keeps the listener engaged. The guitar riffs are interesting and layered, with the deep bass tuning adding an extra layer of heaviness. The track moves at a slow pace but never feels stagnant, as the band adds variety and texture to the riffs, keeping things fresh while maintaining that dark, foreboding atmosphere. The drumming also adds a solid backbone, helping to push the track forward while maintaining the heavy, punishing vibe.

The second track, however, struggles to maintain the same level of interest. While it starts off with the same menacing atmosphere, it quickly feels devoid of life, especially during the latter half of the song. The breakdown towards the end feels particularly lackluster—it’s just so slow and uninspired that it becomes almost painful to sit through. The track's lack of dynamics and repetitive nature makes it feel flat and generic, especially when compared to the first track's more engaging composition. By the time it reaches its final moments, you’re left wishing it would just end, which is not the feeling you want from a demo.

The drumming in the second track stands out as the only element that maintains some level of interest, as it helps keep things grounded, but the rest of the song feels like it’s treading water. It’s a shame because the potential for something much darker and more exciting is there, but the execution falters.

Overall, for a demo, Unholy11 offers some promising material, but the second track holds it back from being truly captivating. It’s clear the band has the ability to create a deep, atmospheric sound, but they need to work on bringing more life and variation to their compositions. The first track shows they can do this effectively, but the second track feels like filler—something that doesn’t fully capitalize on the dark potential the band has. It’s not terrible, but it leaves you wanting more, and unfortunately, not in the best way. With more refinement and attention to variety, Unholy11 could craft something truly powerful, but this demo falls just short of its potential.

Unholy11 はその名前にふさわしく、超低音のギター、圧倒的に重いベース、遅くて陰湿なドラム、そして地獄のようなボーカルで、地獄のような音を届けています。この短いデモは、すべてが遅く、重く、衝撃的で、暗く不穏な雰囲気を生み出すことで、その恐ろしい重みを感じさせます。デモの長さは短いですが、バンドはその恐ろしい、陰鬱なサウンドを素早く確立しています。





RATING: 6/10


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