Sleep Token - Take Me Back To Eden Review

Sleep Token - Take Me Back To Eden Review

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Sleep Token's newest album is undeniably ambitious, aiming for a bold blend of various genres and sonic experimentation. However, I feel that their reach may have exceeded their grasp in certain areas. The vocalist, for instance, often seems to be pushing his voice into a lower, sexier register, but it comes across more as strained effort than natural charm. While there are moments where this attempt might work in theory, it generally feels forced, and rather than sounding alluring, it tends to make the singer sound like he’s struggling. In contrast, when he sings in his natural voice, there’s a more authentic, passionate quality that connects better with the listener.

Musically, the album also suffers from a sense of over-ambition. Sleep Token clearly strives to incorporate a wide array of genres—from country and hip-hop to electronica—but these choices often feel jarring and out of place rather than cohesive. The shifts between genres don’t always flow smoothly, which detracts from the overall mood and atmosphere of the album. At times, the transitions feel more like a series of unrelated experiments rather than a seamless, conceptual journey.

That being said, when the band leans into heavier, more metal-oriented elements, they really hit their stride. While the metal aspects of the album can feel somewhat generic at times, they are undeniably well-produced and carry a punch. This part of the album feels more grounded and true to their core sound, and it stands as one of the strongest aspects of the record.

I do understand the vision behind this album—a grand, genre-blending concept designed to push boundaries. Unfortunately, the execution doesn’t fully live up to that vision. Instead of feeling like a cohesive, innovative work, the album comes off as disjointed and bloated, overstaying its welcome by the time it reaches its conclusion. A tighter, more focused approach to the songwriting and production would likely have served the band better, allowing them to achieve their ambitious goals without the sense of fragmentation that ultimately holds the album back. Hopefully, with time, they can refine these elements and create something more unified in the future.

RATING: 7/10 







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