Rumkicks - Born Rude Review

Rumkicks - Born Rude Review

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Born with a rebellious spirit, the gals of Raging All Girl, Korea's punk powerhouse, came into the world ready to rock, and their debut album proves it. This is one of those albums that demands attention—if you haven’t heard it yet, it’s time to give it a spin. The band’s combination of positive, empowering lyrics and unapologetic “straight-fuck-you” attitude creates an energy that you can’t help but vibe with. It’s the kind of album that makes you want to take on the world, fists in the air, ready to fight for everything you believe in.

The standout here is their lead singer and guitarist, who expertly balances the role of a charismatic vocalist with shredding guitar skills that can melt your face off. You can feel the passion in every note they play, and it's clear they’re in complete control of their sound. Their drummer is a powerhouse, delivering an intensity that's almost impossible to comprehend. She’s so tight and in-the-pocket that it’s ridiculous—her drumming drives the whole album, with each beat landing perfectly. There’s a rawness to her rhythm that adds an element of chaos and freedom to the music, while keeping everything locked in.

The bass also gets its moment to shine, contributing some real groove to the mix. However, there are times when it gets buried a little in the overall mix, losing some of its presence. It’s a minor issue, but it’s worth noting because the bass has so much potential to really elevate the tracks.

As for the songs themselves, there are a few that feel like classic punk by-the-numbers tracks. They're not necessarily bad, but they don't bring anything particularly new to the table either. They’re solid songs that serve their purpose but don’t quite stand out among the rest of the album. That said, the energy and attitude behind every track keep them fun and engaging, even when they follow familiar punk formulas.

The production of this album is clean and crisp, which is a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s great to hear how well the vocals and instruments are mixed, but at times, the crispness feels like it strips the music of some of the raw grit and weight that would give it more punch. The tracks might benefit from a little more grime and heaviness to really hit hard. Still, the clean production does allow the technical skill of the band to shine through.

Despite these minor critiques, Raging All Girl’s debut album is a solid and impressive start. It’s clear they have the chops to make a major impact on the punk scene, and this album is proof they’re here to stay. They’ve brought their fire, their attitude, and their talent, and they’ve certainly set the bar high for whatever comes next. Don’t sleep on these punk rockers—this debut is a thrilling ride, and I can’t wait to see where they go from here.

이 구설수에 휘말린 그들은 태어날 때부터 이미 대단한 뮤지션이 될 준비가 되어 있었습니다. 한국의 ‘레이지 앨 걸’ 펑크 밴드의 데뷔 앨범은 누구도 놓쳐선 안 될 작품입니다. 긍정적이고 지지적인, 그리고 "Fxxk you" 라는 직설적인 가사로 이 앨범을 들으면 세상과 맞서고 싶은 마음이 들 수밖에 없습니다. 밴드의 리드 싱어이자 기타리스트는 재밌는 보컬을 유지하면서도 기타를 완벽하게 소화하며 균형을 맞추는 능력을 지니고 있습니다. 드러머의 에너지는 그야말로 미친 듯이 강렬합니다. 그녀는 너무나도 타이트하게 그루브를 타며 놀랍습니다. 베이스는 충분히 빛을 발할 기회를 얻지만, 때때로 믹스에서 묻히는 경우가 있습니다.

몇몇 곡은 클래식한 펑크의 전형적인 트랙처럼 느껴집니다. 꼭 나쁜 건 아니지만, 특별히 새로운 무엇이 있는 것도 아닙니다. 그저 괜찮은 곡들입니다. 앨범의 믹싱은 매우 깔끔하고 선명하지만, 때때로 너무 깔끔해서 그로부터 느껴지는 그릭(텁텁함)과 무게감이 사라지는 느낌이 들기도 합니다. 조금 더 질감이 있었으면 좋겠다는 생각이 들 때도 있습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 레이지 앨 걸의 데뷔 앨범은 정말로 튼튼하고 인상 깊은 시작을 보여줍니다. 그들의 열정, 태도, 그리고 실력이 고스란히 담긴 앨범이며, 이 앨범을 통해 그들은 확실히 펑크 씬에 큰 영향을 미칠 준비가 되어 있다는 걸 증명했습니다. 이 밴드의 미래가 정말 기대되는 앨범입니다.

RATING: 8/10


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I Don't Wanna Die

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