This new EP from the band NUMBERNINE is certainly a phenomenon—but not in the way you'd expect. I'm honestly not sure what happened with the recording, as the production choices here are incredibly baffling. The most jarring thing about this EP is how buried the vocals are. I’ve never encountered a recording where the vocalist is so hidden in the mix, and the overall sound of the band is so muffled. It’s hard to tell if this was intentional or just a poor production decision.
From track one to the end, the vocals progressively become harder and harder to hear. On songs like "Smoke" and "Undertow," you can still make out the vocalist’s voice, but by the time you get to “Left Alone,” he’s nearly inaudible. The singer has a good voice, but the production really does him a disservice—his vocals are so subdued that it feels like they’ve been intentionally pushed into the background. It’s frustrating because you can tell there's potential there, but the mix just buries it.
Then there's the sound of the band itself, which is equally strange. The whole EP feels like it’s drenched in this muffled, lifeless tone. It seems like they’re aiming for a more groovy, laid-back sound, something in the vein of Turnstile, but the end result is a band that comes off as flat and unenthusiastic. Tracks like “Undertow” and "New Phenomenon" suffer from weird mixing decisions that strip the energy out of the music, making the band sound almost mundane. The riffs throughout most of the EP are slow and groovy, but they can feel dull at times. Things pick up a bit on “Burning Brain,” where the riffs finally seem to come to life, but up until then, the songs are lacking in any real spark.
The drums also don’t help the overall vibe. Just like the riffs, they sound lifeless for most of the EP. It's not until near the end of the record that the drums start to feel more energized and alive, but by then, it feels like too little, too late. The bass, on the other hand, is surprisingly solid. With the slower, groove-driven style, the bass has a chance to really shine and add some depth to the tracks, especially in the intro of “New Phenomenon.” It’s one of the few elements of the EP that actually feels well-executed and vibrant.
Overall, I’m pretty shocked by this shift in style from NUMBERNINE. They’ve always had a reputation for being energetic and full of life, but this new direction feels like they’ve lost their spark. Maybe the "new phenomenon" is the band’s disinterest in themselves, paired with some seriously underwhelming production choices. It’s a curious departure from what fans might have expected, and unfortunately, it doesn’t quite live up to the band’s previous energy or potential.
最初のトラックから最後まで、ボーカルは徐々に聴き取りにくくなっていきます。「Smoke」や「Undertow」などの曲ではまだボーカルが聴こえますが、「Left Alone」に到達すると、ほとんど聞き取れないほどになります。ボーカリストは良い声を持っていますが、制作が彼のボーカルを本当に損なってしまっています—その声があまりにも抑え込まれていて、まるで意図的にバックグラウンドに押し込まれたかのように感じます。そこに潜在的な力があることはわかるのに、ミックスがそれを完全に埋めてしまっているのがフラストレーションです。
次に、バンド自体のサウンドも奇妙です。このEP全体が、何とも言えないこもった、活気のない音に包まれているように感じます。彼らはおそらく、Turnstileのような、よりグルーヴィーでリラックスしたサウンドを目指しているのでしょうが、その結果として、バンドは平坦で無気力に感じられます。「Undertow」や「New Phenomenon」のようなトラックでは、奇妙なミックスのせいでエネルギーが削がれて、バンドがほとんど無味乾燥に聞こえます。EP全体を通して、リフは遅くてグルーヴィーな感じで、時には退屈に感じられることもあります。「Burning Brain」では、ようやくリフが生き生きとしてきますが、それまでは曲に本当のスパークが欠けているように思えます。
ドラムも全体的な雰囲気に貢献していません。リフと同様に、ドラムもほとんどのEPを通して無機質に聞こえます。アルバムの終盤になってようやくドラムがエネルギッシュで生き生きとして感じられるようになりますが、その時点では、もう手遅れな感じがします。対照的に、ベースは意外にも良い感じです。遅めでグルーヴィーなスタイルでは、ベースがしっかりと存在感を放ち、特に「New Phenomenon」のイントロでは深みを加えることができます。このEPの数少ない、実際にうまく仕上げられていて活気のある要素の一つです。
RATING: 5.5/10
Burning Brain