The boys in Nine Percent are absolutely coming out swinging with their debut EP, and it's clear they've put in the work to establish a unique, hard-hitting sound. Hailing from all corners of the globe but coming together in Tokyo, this band's international roots have helped shape a style that blends the best of American, British, and Japanese influences into something fresh and exciting. As I listened through this EP, it became obvious that their diverse backgrounds have brought together a mix of hardcore, metal, and slam elements, creating a sound that feels simultaneously familiar and new.
What stands out about their music is how they take simple, heavy, and unapologetic songs and give them an extra flair. There's a raw energy and unpredictability in each track, making the music feel intense without losing its groove. The riffs are massive, with just enough of a rhythmic swing to keep things interesting. The drums, while laid-back at times, absolutely crush when they need to, adding layers of depth to the heavier moments. The bass is thick and slow, providing a solid foundation that gives the songs their weight and power. Then, there are the vocals—fast, fiery, and intense, making you want to scream along with every line, while the rapper’s flow keeps the energy up and the vibe fresh.
The production is solid—nothing overly polished or extravagant, but it works well with the band's raw energy. It strikes a perfect balance between clean enough to showcase their sound and raw enough to maintain that unfiltered energy. They're not necessarily out to reinvent the wheel, but what they're doing is making hard music that's fun, energetic, and full of attitude. This debut EP feels like a statement: Nine Percent is here to bring the heat, and they’ve got a lot to prove.
Nine Percentのメンバーは、このデビューEPで強烈に登場しています。世界各地から集まり、東京で交わった彼らは、アメリカ、イギリス、そして日本のサウンドが一度に融合したようなヘヴィな音を作り上げました。このEPを聴いていると、メンバーたちがそれぞれ異なる音楽背景を持っているからこそ、ハードコア、メタル、スラムなどの様々な影響が感じられました。確かに、シンプルでヘヴィ、かつ無骨な曲が多いですが、それぞれに特有のひねりが加わり、曲を面白く楽しく聴かせてくれます。
プロダクションは良好で、派手さはないものの、適切なバランスでローフィーでありながらもクリーンな音が維持されています。彼らは特に新しいことを試みているわけではありませんが、作り出しているハードな音楽がとても楽しく、エネルギッシュであることが感じられます。このデビューEPは、Nine Percentが本気で音楽を作り上げてきた証であり、これからが楽しみです。
RATING: 8.5/10
Curb Stomp