Discover the uncompromising sound of Japan hardcore legends Loyal to the Grave in our review of their new EP 'Rectitude,' released on Triple B Records. Dive into their powerful blend of aggression and passion that defines their legacy.

Loyal To The Grave - Rectitude Review

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Loyal to the Grave makes a powerful return to the hardcore scene with their latest EP, proving that time away hasn’t dulled their edge one bit. After a significant break, you might expect them to have lost their touch, but instead, they’ve come back swinging. The EP delivers everything hardcore fans love—crunchy, beefy riffs, pounding drums, a nasty bassline, and strong, commanding vocals. It’s no surprise that these guys are held in such high regard in the Japanese hardcore community. 

What stands out here is their shift in production style, which has given them a fresh, new sound. While most of the EP hits the mark, the only minor flaw is the vocal layering. Kobas’ vocals occasionally feel a bit buried in the mix, though they still manage to cut through with force and clarity. Despite this, his delivery remains powerful, adding a raw, intense energy to the tracks. One of the highlights of the EP is a guest vocal appearance from Scott Vogel, who seamlessly fits into the track and brings his own fierce energy to the song.

However, the true star of this EP is the drumming. The drums have an excellent, punchy sound, with tasteful fills that complement the aggressive riffs without overpowering them. The riffs themselves are big and aggressive, delivering that unmistakable hardcore heaviness, while the bass drives a thick, chugging rhythm that adds weight to the overall sound. 

In terms of songwriting, Loyal to the Grave sticks to what they do best—hard, heavy, and unwaveringly loyal to the hardcore spirit. There’s not much experimentation on this EP, but honestly, when a formula works this well, there’s no need to fix it. These guys clearly know their style inside and out, and they deliver it with the same passion and intensity that has earned them their place in the scene.

Loyal to the Graveは最新のEPでハードコアシーンに強烈な帰還を果たし、長いブランクがあってもその鋭さを全く失っていないことを証明しました。かなりの時間を空けていたので、もしかしたら彼らの感覚が鈍っているかもしれないと思うかもしれませんが、実際には全く逆で、むしろ全力で戻ってきたという感じです。このEPはハードコアファンが愛するすべてを提供しています—ゴリゴリで力強いリフ、力強いドラム、荒々しいベースライン、そして力強く堂々としたボーカルです。彼らが日本のハードコアコミュニティでこれほど尊敬されているのも納得です。



作曲の面では、Loyal to the Graveは彼らが得意とするスタイルに忠実であり、硬く、重く、ハードコア精神に対して揺るぎない忠誠を見せています。このEPには大きな実験的要素はありませんが、正直言って、これほどうまくいっているフォーミュラに手を加える必要はないと言えるでしょう。彼らは自分たちのスタイルを深く理解しており、その情熱とインテンシティで届けているので、これからもそのまま続けていってほしいですね。

RATING: 8/10



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