This album is a disaster. From the subpar to downright terrible production, lackluster and uninspired vocal performances, to the cringeworthy lyrics, Lil Pump is leaving a legacy not of greatness but of tarnishing the music scene with his unbearable sound. The beats and production feel sloppy and rushed, with many tracks featuring the most basic, uninspired loops. It's as if he picked the first beat that was handed to him, didn't bother editing it, and just went with it. Most of his vocal performances are lazy and phoned in, as if he's desperately trying to relive the fleeting success of his early days. There are moments where he attempts to experiment with his voice on some of the softer tracks, trying to show a more mature side, but those attempts ultimately fall flat.
As for the guest features, only one stands out as tolerable, while the rest range from awkward to forgettable, with some downright cringe-worthy. Lyrically, this album is stuck in a loop of monotony. It's the same tired tropes—drugs, sex, materialism, and repetitive ad-libs, all repeated ad nauseam. Over 90% of the album rehashes the same themes without offering anything new or compelling. Whenever he ventures outside his usual subject matter, he fails to hit the mark and comes off as forced or disconnected.
It's clear that Lil Pump is no longer in touch with what made him relevant in the first place. It's time for him to accept that his peak has passed and that making enjoyable or impactful music is no longer in his wheelhouse. He needs to find a new direction in life, because his time in the music industry has come and gone.
These additional tracks contribute absolutely nothing to the overall experience of Lil Pump’s latest album. They’re derivative, unnecessary, and offer little to no value. While being overly critical of an artist’s work is not my intention, in this case, I feel it’s necessary to issue a warning. Unless you’re exceptionally curious or suffer from a compulsive need to finish whatever you start (like feeling the need to listen to every song on this album), there is simply no reason to waste your time on these extra tracks. They don’t enhance the album in any meaningful way—they’re just filler. Consider yourself warned. Ha.
I Don't Mind