Kruelty has truly cemented their place in the death metal scene, not just by adhering to the genre's established norms but by adding their own unique spin, particularly through their signature blend of groove-laden death metal. Their latest output demonstrates how the band has evolved while staying true to their roots, with a focused intensity that packs a serious punch. The hallmark of their sound — the heavy groove — remains present, but the way they've enhanced it, both musically and vocally, makes for an exciting and fresh listen.
A Shift in Vocals
Perhaps the most noticeable change in Kruelty’s sound is the shift in vocal delivery. With the main guitarist now taking over vocal duties, there’s a new energy to the band. His vocal style is clear, bold, and commanding, which complements the band's groove-heavy guitar riffs. Tracks like “Absolute Terror” and “Bloodless Mankind” show that this vocal transition has worked in their favor. The vocals feel expansive and are mixed perfectly with the instrumentation, adding more depth to the already dense, powerful sound. Whether it’s a result of Zuma’s growth as a vocalist or the enhanced production quality, it doesn’t matter — the outcome is striking. The vocals are more than just an accessory; they have become a core part of the band’s identity, and it's clear that this is a step forward for Kruelty.
Production Value Elevates the Sound
Speaking of production, Kruelty has always had a knack for making their music sound intense and heavy, but this time, everything feels crisp and polished. Take, for instance, “Profane Usurpation”. While it follows a familiar formula for death metal, the professional-level production elevates it from a standard track to something more. Every instrument is distinct and powerful, creating a clear, forceful sound that punches through the speakers. It’s a testament to how much the band has improved in the studio. You can hear the clarity in the instruments and how well everything is balanced. The guitars come through with authority, the drums hit with precision, and the bass provides that crushing low-end that ties everything together.
Guitar Work and Riffs
The guitar work continues to be one of Kruelty's standout features. The riffs in “Absolute Terror” are dense and brutal, dripping with heaviness and groove. It's clear that the band has spent time perfecting the intricacies of their playing. They’ve continued to build on their unique brand of groove death metal, layering their riffs in a way that feels both thunderous and nuanced. Meanwhile, on the back end of tracks like “Bloodless Mankind” and “No Fear of Judgment”, the guitar work takes on a more distinct and unique character, adding a touch of sophistication to their sound. While still undeniably heavy, there’s a creative flair that makes these tracks stand out.
Drumming – Tight and Groovy
The drumming, while not drastically different from what we’ve heard in previous Kruelty releases, continues to deliver with precision. The familiar groovy 1-2 patterns are still present and effective, especially on tracks like “Absolute Terror” and “No Fear of Judgment”. These tight rhythms anchor the songs in a way that makes the entire listening experience feel fluid yet powerful. The drumming also includes some impressive fills and double-kick sequences, adding an extra layer of excitement. One new element this time around is the increased cymbal work. While it's not a dominant feature, it adds a subtle flair and a sense of variation that enhances the overall rhythmic structure of the songs. This could definitely be explored further in future releases for even more texture and depth.
Bass – Heavy and Distorted
The bass on this album deserves its own mention. It sounds thick, distorted, and heavily textured, adding a crucial element to the overall heaviness of the band’s sound. The low-end rumble is present and almost suffocating, which only adds to the oppressive, monstrous atmosphere of the music. It’s the kind of bass that locks into the rhythm of the drums, creating an earth-shaking foundation for the guitars and vocals to shine. It’s the type of bass tone that’s not just audible but felt, and that’s exactly what you want in a genre like death metal.
A Unique Identity in the Death Metal Landscape
Kruelty has crafted a style of death metal that’s both familiar and distinctive. Their blend of crushing grooves, clear vocal delivery, dense riffs, and tight drumming gives them a unique sonic identity. The band has clearly found their niche and is playing to their strengths while continuing to evolve. When you hear a Kruelty track, there’s an immediate recognition of their sound. This is a band that, despite being part of the broader death metal scene, has made their mark by doing things their way. Whether it's their groove-heavy approach or the compelling vocal performance, Kruelty is solidifying themselves as a force within the genre.
In summary, Kruelty has taken their heavy groove death metal style and made it their own, enhancing it with bold vocal choices, tight production, and a strong focus on the nuances that make death metal stand out. Tracks like “Absolute Terror”, “Bloodless Mankind”, and “Profane Usurpation” showcase a band that’s not just playing death metal but doing it in a way that feels fresh and engaging. They’re a band that’s clearly growing and maturing, and their future in the death metal scene looks incredibly promising.
Krueltyのサウンドで最も注目すべき変化は、ボーカルスタイルの変化です。メインギタリストがボーカルを担当するようになり、バンドに新たなエネルギーが加わりました。彼のボーカルスタイルは明瞭で力強く、バンドのグルーヴィーなギターリフと非常に相性が良いです。*「Absolute Terror」や「Bloodless Mankind」*などのトラックでは、このボーカルの変化がうまく作用しています。ボーカルは広がりがあり、楽器との調和が取れており、音楽に深みを加えています。これはZumaがボーカリストとして成長した成果なのか、それとも生産面での改善によるものなのかはわかりませんが、どちらにしても、結果として非常に良い方向に進んでいます。ボーカルはもはやアクセサリーに過ぎず、バンドのアイデンティティの中心的な部分になっていることが明らかです。
生産面に関しても、Krueltyは以前からその音を重く、ヘビーに保っていましたが、今回の作品ではさらにクリアで洗練された仕上がりになっています。例えば、*「Profane Usurpation」*では、定番のデス・メタルのパターンに従っていますが、そのプロフェッショナルな生産が曲を一段と引き上げています。各楽器が鮮明に聞こえ、力強いサウンドで迫力満点です。スタジオでの成長がうかがえる結果と言えるでしょう。ギターは力強く、ドラムは精密で、ベースは全体をつなげる重低音を提供し、全体的にバランスが取れたサウンドを作り上げています。
ギターのプレイはKrueltyの最も際立った特徴の一つであり、今回もその魅力は健在です。*「Absolute Terror」のリフは非常に密度が高く、重く、グルーヴ感があふれています。バンドはその特有のグルーヴィーなデス・メタルをさらに洗練させており、そのリフには圧倒的な重さと細かなニュアンスが加えられています。一方で、「Bloodless Mankind」や「No Fear of Judgment」*の後半では、ギターに少し異なる特徴が見られ、個性的な響きを感じさせます。これらのトラックでは、ヘビーでありながらも創造的なフレアが感じられ、曲に独自性を与えています。
ドラム – タイトでグルーヴィー
ドラムのスタイルは前作から大きな変化はありませんが、それでも精密に作られたグルーヴは相変わらず素晴らしいです。特に*「Absolute Terror」や「No Fear of Judgment」*では、1-2のパターンが非常に効果的で、リズムが曲全体を支えています。また、印象的なフィルやダブルキックのパートもあり、聴いていて飽きさせません。今回新たに増えたシンバルワークも小気味よく、曲に変化を加える要素として機能しています。もっと探求していけば、今後さらなるテクスチャーを加えることができるかもしれません。
ベース – ヘビーでディストーションの効いたサウンド
総じて、Krueltyはその重厚でグルーヴィーなデス・メタルスタイルを自分たちのものにし、それをさらに進化させてきました。「Absolute Terror」、「Bloodless Mankind」、*「Profane Usurpation」*などのトラックは、バンドがただデス・メタルを演奏しているだけでなく、それを新しい形で表現していることを示しています。彼らは確実に成長しており、その未来は非常に楽しみです。
Absolute Terror
No Fear Of Judgemen