Incendiary - Change The Way You Think About Pain Review

Incendiary - Change The Way You Think About Pain Review

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That’s the word that kept coming to mind while listening to this album. So much feels missing—from the energy in the vocals to the impact of the instruments. There’s a lingering sense of disengagement, like the band was just going through the motions, checking boxes rather than pouring real passion into the music.

The vocals—which have been a strong point in past releases—sound extremely mid here. There’s no urgency, no bite, no real feeling behind them. It’s almost as if the singer is phoning it in, delivering lines without any of the intensity or raw emotion that should be driving these tracks.

The guitars feel lazy in their execution. There are some decent riffs scattered throughout, but they don’t build momentum or stand out in any meaningful way. Instead, they just sit in the background, playing it safe and never pushing the sound forward. Even worse, there’s a complete absence of bass in the mix—either it’s buried so deep that it’s inaudible, or it just wasn’t written with enough presence to matter. Considering how crucial bass can be in adding weight and depth, its absence makes the whole album feel even flatter.

The drums are the one element that could have redeemed this album, but even they don’t bring enough to the table. There are some moments where they shine, but overall, they feel held back—never fully unleashed in the way they should be. Whether that’s due to the mixing, the writing, or just a lack of energy, it’s hard to tell.

The biggest saving grace here? The lyrics. Thematically, they’re relevant, deep, and well thought out. When reading them separately, they carry real weight, and I found myself wanting to connect with them on a deeper level. But that’s where the biggest disconnect happens—the lyrics don’t match the tone of the album at all. The words feel like they should be backed by aggression, passion, something—yet what we get instead is a delivery so underwhelming that it completely undermines their impact.

Maybe the band wanted a more subtle approach this time around. Maybe they were aiming for something different, something more restrained. But if that’s the case, it doesn’t work. What we end up with is an album that lacks fire, lacks urgency, and ultimately lacks purpose. It’s not that the band has lost their ability to make great music—it just feels like they didn’t try this time.

RATING: 6.5/10



Echo Of Nothing


Change The Way You Think About Pain 

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