Impale - Failstate  Review

Impale - Failstate Review

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Listening to Impale for the first time is like being hit with the force of a spear—immediate, fast, and powerful. But much like the impact of that spear, once it reaches its target, it seems to lose its momentum and fall flat, failing to make the lasting impression you might expect. That being said, I see a great deal of promise in this up-and-coming UK band. There's undeniable potential here, and I believe with a little more time, they could evolve into something truly exciting.

One of the things that stands out right away is how well the band plays together. They’re a tight unit, and it’s clear they understand how to leverage each other’s strengths. Despite this being just an EP, it’s evident they’ve put a lot of care into making sure the songs flow well and sound cohesive. The production is top-notch for an early release, and it shows—these tracks feel like they had some solid financial backing. From the first track to the final note, it’s clear they’ve invested time and resources into getting the best sound possible.

The guitars are one of the highlights of this EP. They’re fun, energetic, and catchy, with riffs that stick with you even after the track is over. They have a nice balance of aggression and groove, which keeps things interesting throughout. The bass also stands out, getting plenty of time to shine and providing a deep, driving foundation for the songs. It’s not just background noise—it adds layers and depth to the music, helping to keep things dynamic.

The drums, on the other hand, are serviceable. They’re not overly flashy, and they don’t aim to steal the show, but they hold the band together, keeping the pace of the songs tight and moving forward at a good clip. They don’t try to be overly impressive, but rather just keep everything on track and let the music flow naturally.

The biggest issue with this EP, however, is the vocals. While the production helps to bring out the best in the vocal performance, the talent of the vocalist still needs some refinement. There are moments where the words are difficult to understand, and other times when it feels like the vocals are being rushed, with syllables mashed together in a way that doesn’t quite land. The vocal range is limited, and the clarity of the delivery could definitely use some work. It’s not a deal-breaker, but it does hold the band back from reaching their full potential.

Despite these vocal shortcomings, the overall sound of the EP shows a lot of promise. Impale clearly has a solid foundation, and with some fine-tuning—particularly in the vocal department—they could develop into a force to be reckoned with. The energy, the musicianship, and the production are all there; now it’s just about polishing the rough edges and tightening up those finer details. If they keep at it, this band has a bright future ahead.

RATING: 6.5/10



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