Hell Can Wait - Reaching The Point Where Pain Ends Review

Hell Can Wait - Reaching The Point Where Pain Ends Review

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Reaching the point where things start to feel familiar is what I get from this melodic hardcore band. Hell can wait. This band out from Birmingham seems to have a lot going for them on this new record. They have a great production, well-played instruments, and positive lyrics. However, for some reason, the songs never got me hooked in, and all felt slightly familiar in the sense that I had already heard these songs from somewhere before. I dont want to take away the hard work these boys put in on this record. The production on this album is great. All the instruments and vocals are mixed and layered perfectly. The sound is really good. Like they put money into sounding incredible, and it shows. The next thing is that the lyrics are quite positive and empowering. Lots of great writing done in that department. The way they are playing here is good too. The drums are tight, the riffs are playing hard, the bass has some real depth to them, and the vocals sound good. However, like I said, the songs just don’t really make you feel one way or another. They don’t sound amazing in terms of song structure or wild experimenting. On the flip, they don't sound horribly made. They feel a bit bland and similar to bands like their counterparts; it prevails or is old-fashioned but lacking the dazzle that made those bands really stick out. They made a fine record for sure, but one that will be hard to remember in the future.

RATING: 7/10


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