Facecarz - Statement Game Review

Facecarz - Statement Game Review

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Here’s a more in-depth and refined version of your review:

Facecarz’s latest record is, quite frankly, a chaotic mess. This Japanese hardcore band throws so many different ideas into the mix that the album feels less like a cohesive project and more like a collection of disjointed experiments. Rather than crafting a solid identity, the band jumps between styles so frequently that individual songs often feel like they contain an entire album’s worth of concepts crammed into just a few minutes.

Take "Yin & Yang," for example. The track is overloaded with shifting guitar techniques and erratic drum patterns that fail to build any real momentum. Transitions between sections feel clunky and unnatural, almost as if the band members were still figuring out each other's playing styles during the recording process. The timing is inconsistent, creating a sense of musical disarray rather than controlled chaos.

That said, when Facecarz manages to rein in their experimentation, they do show flashes of potential. "Pull the Plug" is one of the stronger tracks simply because it commits to a single style. The band sounds tight and heavy, with grooves that actually have room to breathe rather than being drowned in excessive stylistic shifts. The riffs lock in well, and the snare drum, while somewhat sharp in tone, provides a satisfying pop to the overall sound. However, the drumming across the album occasionally struggles with timing, which only adds to the album’s scattered feel.

One of the more consistent elements of this record is the bass. On "Dos#2," in particular, the bass tone is smooth and grounded, giving the song a much-needed sense of structure. It’s one of the few aspects of the album that remains stable amidst all the chaos.

The vocals, on the other hand, are all over the place—and not in a good way. It sounds like multiple vocalists contributed to the record, each with vastly different styles that fail to complement the instrumentation or each other. This is especially evident on "Vendetta," where the vocal performance swings between passable and downright unpleasant, further emphasizing the album’s lack of cohesion.

As for the production, it’s serviceable but unremarkable. It neither enhances nor hinders the listening experience, which, given the album’s inherent structural issues, doesn’t do much to salvage it.

Overall, this record feels like a collection of half-formed ideas that never fully come together. Facecarz clearly has energy and ambition, but instead of refining their approach, they’ve thrown everything at the wall to see what sticks—and unfortunately, not much does.



たとえば「Yin & Yang」という曲を聴けば、その混乱ぶりがよく分かる。ギターの演奏スタイルやドラムパターンがめまぐるしく変化し、楽曲としての流れがまったく生まれない。曲のセクションごとの切り替えもぎこちなく、不自然だ。まるでメンバー同士がまだお互いのプレイスタイルを理解できていないままレコーディングしたかのような印象を受ける。演奏のタイミングもズレが目立ち、統一感のない仕上がりになってしまっている。

とはいえ、バンドが過剰な実験性を抑えたときには、それなりに良い曲も生まれている。「Pull the Plug」はアルバムの中でも比較的まとまりのある楽曲で、一つのスタイルに絞っている分、演奏が引き締まって聴こえる。バンド全体のサウンドはヘヴィで、グルーヴ感のあるリフが心地よく響く。スネアドラムの音はやや鋭いが、楽曲にパンチを加える役割を果たしている。しかし、アルバム全体を通してドラムのタイミングがズレることがあり、それがさらにまとまりのなさを助長している。





RATING: 6/10


Big Shot
Pulling The Plug
DOS#2 (Dynasty Over Scars)

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