It’s the start of a new reign from end reign and for a debut from some veterans of the metal and hardcore scene; its not that bad. The talents from all these guys coming from different music backgrounds like hardcore and death metal come together to make a gloomy yet fast blacked metal album that has a couple decent tracks. They have low-tune fast guitars, thick bass playing, doomy tight drums, and raw vocals on this debut that you would expect to be on here. Would you say its groundbreaking work here? No, solid? Yeah, they are doing a good job of making some good metal songs. The bass on here is the MVP with how thick it sounds and how it can be heard on every track. They mixed that bass so well. The guitars got some heavy weight to them, and they throw in some thrash like solos to spice things up. The drumming is great at keeping the tempo for this band, for sure. Tight drumming. Then the vocals are coming from one of the most prominent metalcore singers of all time, and he is doing what he does best—screaming hard and harsh. He doesn’t switch things up that much, but he doesn't have to since he's perfected his style. The guits and bass are mixed high in the production, but that doesn’t really hinder the album that much; if anything, it makes it sound better. It's a good album if you are craving some light metal that still has some bit to it.