Drain - Living Proof Review

Drain - Living Proof Review

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Hmmm, this one is interesting because I feel Drain did not fall into the sophomore slump but didn't blow me away as well. It’s a very well-crafted album, don’t get me wrong. I think with the lore and imagery of the drain, I was left feeling like I wanted more of the wild drain that I had seen. I think we got some glimpses of the drain we have come to know; however, on some other tracks, it felt like they were a bit off. Regardless of that, they still sounded freakin amazing. Minus the opening track, all the tracks sound well and are mixed very well. Sam tried branching out in terms of his vocal pattern, and it works well. The guitars are thrashy like always, but with that drain twang thrown on it, and the drums are punchy as ever. The only drawback I have is that some tracks seem a bit too tamed for a band like Drain. Oh, and before I go, you have to check out possibly the best intermission song made in hardcore. They really surprised me with that one.

RATING: 8/10




Evil Finds Light


Good Good Things

Living Proof

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