Deicide - Banished By Sin Review

Deicide - Banished By Sin Review

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Banished by something because I have no idea what Deicide was thinking with this album. It feels like the band has no real direction with this effort and just made an album because they had to for some reason. The songs are very flat and uninspiring. Like they do sound heavy and very death metal-like, but in like the worst ways. The riffs are fast and ripping but in a generic and bland way the majority of the time. There are so moments where the guitars sound groovy, but they barely pop up and get drowned out by boring playing. The drumming is ablaze but in the most standard death metal well. Yes, it's fast and hard but lacks grit outside a few cool drum fills. The bass hardly feels like it adds anything to the songs and just falters a bit. The vocals are brutal for sure, but they never really change up their style and feel the same on every track. The lack of experimentation on this album is evident since nearly all the tracks just bleed together and feel forgettable. Even the production, which should be praised because it sounds good, is actually a bad thing here because the album feels so sterile. That old-school death metal grit and poor production are missing here, and so you get just a very by-the-books album from a band that was a pioneer of the genre. Just like the album cover, which looks AI-generated, this album feels like something trying to be something else, and it just feels wrong.

RATING: 5.5/10


Sever The Tongue

Banished By Sin 

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