Decasion - Instilling The Decayed Obsession Review

Decasion - Instilling The Decayed Obsession Review

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Decent. If I had to sum up my experience with this album from Japanese metal/hardcore band Decasion in one word, that would be it. They’re clearly talented musicians who play well together, but the songwriting often falls into uninspired territory, leaving much of the album feeling a bit bland. There are moments where the band taps into something sweet—brief flashes of energy or melody that hint at potential—but overall, the songs lack a distinct identity.

One thing they undeniably excel at is their two-step sections. Those parts are super tight, and at times, they’re the only truly engaging elements in the tracks. However, the rest of the compositions don’t always bring the same level of excitement. The vocals, for the most part, stick to one style throughout the album. While there are some minor variations, nothing really stands out as particularly mesmerizing. They remind me of that classic "old guy metal" vocal approach—gruff, effective, but not exactly dynamic.

Instrumentally, the guitars sound great. They’re tuned low, which gives the album a heavy, crushing tone, but the riffs themselves can get repetitive, making them feel less impactful over time. The bass is... there, I guess? It never really stood out or added much depth to the mix. As for the drums, they had their moments. When the drummer locked into a tight groove or threw in a well-placed fill, it added a nice touch, but there were also times where the execution felt a bit sloppy.

In the end, I get the feeling that experiencing Decasion live and listening to them on record would feel pretty much the same. They have the chops, but the songs don’t quite have the staying power to make the album truly memorable.

まあまあ。 日本のメタル/ハードコアバンド、Decasionのこのアルバムを一言で表すなら、そう言うのがしっくりきます。メンバーの演奏技術は確かで、バンドとしてのまとまりも感じられますが、楽曲の作り込みがあまり印象に残らず、全体的に少し退屈に感じました。時折、「おっ」と思わせる瞬間や心地よいメロディがあるものの、曲ごとの個性が薄く、全体の流れが単調に感じられます。




RATING: 6.5/10



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