Comeback Kids - Heavy Steps Review

Comeback Kids - Heavy Steps Review

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Comeback Kid is coming hard with some deep and hard hitting steps and some slight missteps on this record. This album has a lot of highs and a few lows that stop it from being a great album. On the high end of things, they can knock it out of the park at times with some great hardcore songs. Crunchy riffs, huge drum beats, thick bass lines, and great sing-alongs. Tracks like “no easy way out” or “dead on the fence” definitely push the limits of fast and energetic hardcore songs that comeback lid are known for. Then at times you get songs like “everything relates” or “true to form,"  which have a few moments of excitement but overall feel very generic. Like you get the standard punk like drums and limp like riffs that don't have any life to them and don’t really have that comeback kid bite to them. The most impressive thing on this album are probably the drums and bass. The bass can be hward throughout the album and has such a nice thick sound to it that it really gives the album their hardcore edge. The drums do a wonderful job of adding lots of interesting fills and patterns that help keep the banding sounding tight and fresh. The vocals have a nice variation to them and still have that fire in them. Even the backing vocals got some feeling to them. It's never easy to maintain a band for so long as Comeback Kid has done. Sure, there are some missteps here, but you can tell they still got some fire in the tank and put out some good songs.

RATING: 7.5/10


 Heavy Steps
No Easy Way Out
Dead On The Fence

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