Cold Steel - Deeper Into Greater Pain Review

Cold Steel - Deeper Into Greater Pain Review

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They might be cold steel, but this is some of the hottest crossover hardcore I've heard since Power Trip or Judiciary. This new up-and-coming band feels like they have already been 5+ years into their career with how tight and refreshing their songs are. The pure heaviness and vicious assault from the guitars are unrivaled in this current wave of hardcore. I think what also helps make these guitars sound epic as fuck is the drumming. The drumming is so tight and in the pocket that the drummer matches the speed and beat of the guitars so well to create some of the heaviest-sounding music around. Also, we have the bass adding so much grit and thickness to these already heavy songs to make things huge at the right moment. Then you have the vocalist distinctive and sharp vocals. The way he enunciates and cuts through the music is impressive. His vocals can be jarring at first, but as you listen to them more, you see how uniquely they are, and they really stand out amongst the other hardcore vocalists. The most impressive thing about this band is how they can create instantly war zones with their breakdowns. They come out of nowhere, and you instantly have to go to war with the nearest human with eye sight. Pure violence in an instance.

RATING: 10/10




The Lamb

Full Tilt

Evil Eye

Bad Beat

Into Greater Pain

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