Bodysnatcher - Vile Conduct Review

Bodysnatcher - Vile Conduct Review

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Life is undeniably tough, and that raw, unfiltered message is what Bodysnatcher drives home with their latest release. With themes of depression, disdain for humanity, betrayal, and the suffocating grip of addiction, this band is certainly not shying away from the darker corners of the human experience. Through their death metal approach, they tackle heavy subjects in an effort to shed light on the struggles many face in today's world. Lyrically, this album may be the most powerful aspect of the release, offering a personal and tragically honest look into the band’s own emotional battles.

One of the most striking examples of this emotional intensity is on the track “Murder8,” particularly with the line, “Fentanyl made me an only child.” This might be one of the most gut-wrenching and direct callouts before a breakdown this year in metal. The pain, anger, and loss conveyed through these lyrics are palpable, resonating with anyone who’s been through similar turmoil. It's a moment where the weight of the words transcends the music itself, serving as a stark reminder of just how deeply personal this album is.

However, while the lyrical content is undoubtedly a highlight, the rest of the album struggles to live up to its potential. Sonically, Bodysnatcher falls into a trap of sounding generic and somewhat dated. The riffs are big and heavy, and the vocals are guttural, but everything feels a bit too familiar. It’s as if the band is pulling from a playbook of mid-2010s local deathcore bands, rehashing ideas that have been done countless times before. The breakdowns, while undeniably heavy, lack any real emotional depth, making them sound like they're trying too hard to be aggressive for the sake of aggression. Without any real soul behind them, they end up feeling hollow and uninspired.

The vocals, although heavy, often blend together into a monotonous roar, making it hard for them to leave a lasting impact. While this fits the style of death metal, it’s hard to shake the feeling that there’s something missing in terms of vocal dynamics and range. James Jasta’s guest vocals provide some much-needed variation and add a bit of diversity to the songs, but even his contributions can’t entirely salvage the overall lack of vocal variety throughout the album.

On the plus side, the drums do stand out at times, with some dynamic fills and cool drum rolls that showcase a bit of flair. Unfortunately, these moments are few and far between, leaving the listener with a sense that the band could have pushed their creativity further but didn’t fully capitalize on the opportunities.

It’s clear that this album comes from a place of passion, and Bodysnatcher certainly puts their heart into their music. However, while the emotional depth of the lyrics is commendable, the musical elements feel underwhelming and don’t leave much of an impact. There’s potential here, but it doesn’t quite hit the mark in the way that some of their predecessors have in the past. This album is certainly worth a listen for fans of death metal and those who appreciate the raw honesty of the lyrics, but it lacks that spark that would make you want to revisit it time and time again.

RATING: 7/10



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