Highly irresponsible but also highly addictive. Better Lovers debut album was one of the most highly anticipated releases in the metal world in 2024, and they were able to deliver a hitting album that plays the way you expected but also takes some unexpected turns into some styles that you wouldn’t expect but they were able to pull off. The song’s range from heavy, slow-hitting songs like the opening song “Lie Between the Lines” to chaotic wild songs like “A White Horse Covered in Blood” or even softer, more ballad-like songs like “At All Times." Everyone in this band has brought their game for this record, and nothing really stands above another member. They all bring some raw energy while also doing their best to make some unorthodox choices with their instruments. The guitars have their usually heavy southern style/bblues of playing to them, like on “Deliver Us From Life." Then at times they can feel manic and unhinged, like on “Future Myopia” or “Drowning in a Burning World. “The guitars are played hard and have a nice, dense feeling to them. The groove of the guitars gives the song a nice flow to them. The guitars have a nice distinctive distorted feel to them that gives the guitars a nice grit to them like on “Superman Died Paralyzed." The guitars are not the only groovy part of this album because the bass playing has some really nice parts to show off and to manage their groove. Like on “Your Misplaced Self,” the bass playing is very subtle and effective, and then on “A White Horse Covered in Blood." The tuning of the bass is impressive because he has a unique sound that can be heard well on “Everything Was Put Here For Me." The drums are fast and go off on so many levels. He is able to play so many different drum fills and rolls with quick execution it’s mind-boggling. Some great examples of his intensity and technique are on “Future Myopia” or “Love As An Act Of Rebellion." Then the vocals are what you expect from the previous EP they released—raw and intense but also a few moments of serenity to them. Yes, you get those raw vocals on “Your Misplaced Self” or “A White Horse Covered in Blood." He experiments with his vocals here and there, and they all work well. Whether its going for a heavier register like on “Lie Between The Lines” or adding revered to give his vocals an alien quality that has a hypnotic feel to them to it like on “Future Myopia” or even sounding like Trent Reznor from Nine-Inch Nails on the song “Deliver Us From Life." The sound of the album is great and mixed, damn near perfect. There never was a moment where the music sounded bad because of the production. The band is able to keep you on your toes with how they will create some interesting soundscapes. The majority of this album has a fresh or unique style to it. There is only one song where the song gets a bit too repetitive, and so the song doesn’t feel as strong as the other songs. However, this debut still lives up to the hype this band has created for over a year now. better music, better lovers, and that's a guarantee.

Better Lovers - Highly Irresponsible Review
Lie Between The Line
A White Horse Covered In Blood
Deliver Us From Life
At All Times