30 Seconds To Mars - It’s The End Of The World But It’s A Beautiful Day Review

30 Seconds To Mars - It’s The End Of The World But It’s A Beautiful Day Review

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If you're looking for a sign that the end is near, look no further than Thirty Seconds to Mars' latest album. The band's creative spark seems to have completely fizzled out, as much of the album consists of recycled sounds and borrowed elements from other artists. It's clear that the innovation that once defined their music is nowhere to be found. From the bombastic, Imagine Dragons-inspired synth-driven drum beats to the soft rock vocal stylings reminiscent of Post Malone, there’s barely a trace of what made Thirty Seconds to Mars exciting to listen to over a decade ago.

In moments where they aren't directly borrowing from other musicians' sounds, the band falls into the trap of producing unimaginative, cookie-cutter tracks that feel like they could have been churned out by any artist creating trademark-free music. The album, meant to represent a band, instead feels more like a Jared Leto solo project. The lack of instrumental depth is glaring—there are rare instances where real drums make an appearance, but they are so few and far between that they almost feel like an afterthought.

Despite this, there is a single track that stands out, offering a brief glimpse of the band’s former glory. It features Jared’s signature screams, paired with dark, brooding synths and gritty, atmospheric instrumentation. This moment, though, is a fleeting reminder of what Thirty Seconds to Mars used to be, and unfortunately, it will likely be overshadowed by the rest of the album’s lackluster tracks, dominated by recycled sounds and uninspired compositions.

In the end, the album feels like a hollow imitation of the band’s past, and it's hard to shake the feeling that the magic has long since left the building.

RATING: 4.5/10 




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